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Serene Retreat



  redefine luxury 

  stay real 

                                            why eco

The building functions as a natural solar collector in winter and is naturally cooling in the summer through its location and orientation. The largest face of the house is facing south, with large openings and tents that let the winter sun inside but keep the summer sun out. The north part of the building is below ground, using  the constant temperature of the soil to keep it warm in winter and cool in the summer, and protecting it from the cold north winds. The openings and orientation of the building allow for a cool drought through the house cooling it in the summer. The large trees at the  NE and SW side keep the building shaded, and cool the incoming draught. The lush vegetation around the house creates a pleasant micro-climate.

For the few days without any wind the rooms are equipped with ceiling fans. AC is installed for the very

hot days as you prefer .

Water is heated with solar energy.

The house is heated with a large, energy efficient fireplace. The fireplace draws air from the outside, ventilating the house.

The small pond, inhabited with mosquito eating fish,

functions as a trap which attracts mosquitoes, since it

is the only source of water around.

The fish eat all the larvae, keeping the mosquito

population very low.

The garden and vegetable garden is exclusively organic. Chemicals and fertilizers are never used.













The garden is planted with local and drought-resisting plants that need little water and maintenance. They create a natural ecosystem that helps them keep healthy. We never use fertilizers or plant protection chemicals.Beneficial insects are released when an enemy gets out of hand.

The lawn is a mixture of plants some of which were seeded and some are local which we keep by selectively weeding the lawn. This creates a natural pasture-like plant community that rarely needs mowing and consumes much less water than a conventional lawn. It also looks  natural, aesthetically fitting with the rest of the garden and the boroughed natural landscape view.

Recycling: all the cuttings from the lawn and plants are recycled along with the vegetable leftovers from the kitchen. We use the chicken  which are the best compost makers, eating and mixing the plant material and also enhancing it with the much needed nitrogen. The resulting compost is used in the vegetable garden and fruit trees.








Cut grasses from the garden or hay is used as groundcover to save water from evaporating.  

















The woody cuttings from the garden trees are used in the fireplace in winter.

You can take part in the garden choirs, pick your vegetables, or just enjoy eating them.

Experience the beauty of natural environment on a first hand basis.

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